The Anxiety Coaches Podcast
The Anxiety Coaches Podcast

The Anxiety Coaches Podcast

The Anxiety Coaches Podcast brings you a relaxing and inspiring show sharing lifestyle changes to calm your nervous system and help you heal Anxiety, Panic, Stress, and PTSD for life!
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1121: Most People Try to Control Their Thoughts: Here's Why That Backfires
05 March 2025
1121: Most People Try to Control Their Thoughts: Here's Why That Backfires
In today's episode, Gina shares a key strategy for handling unwanted thoughts: allowance (acceptance). Though contrary to our common expectations, allowing unwanted thoughts to be present in our mind is the very antidote to their power to make our anxiety worse. Trying to control the mind and the unwanted thoughts causes them to remain in our consciousness longer. Listen in and become a master of your mind with these critical techniques!
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The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom.
-Tara Brach
0:42 Introduction to Thought Control
3:00 The Ironic Process Theory
7:03 The RAIN Method Explained
12:00 Mindfulness and Acceptance
13:57 Diffusion Techniques for Thoughts
16:20 Cognitive Flexibility and Focus
17:29 Key Takeaways for Peace
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into a common misconception about managing our thoughts: the belief that controlling them equates to finding peace and emotional stability. Many of us have been conditioned to think that if we can simply regulate our thoughts, we can navigate life more effectively. This notion stems from the idea that our thoughts dictate our emotions and behaviors, leading to the belief that mastery over our minds can lead to a smoother existence. However, I reveal that this is fundamentally flawed.

Firstly, I clarify that we cannot control the naturally occurring thoughts in our minds. Our brains are inherently busy, constantly generating thoughts regardless of our desires. The key to emotional well-being lies not in the futile attempt to banish unwanted thoughts, but in recognizing that our focus—what we choose to dwell on—plays a pivotal role in shaping our emotional landscape. This brings us to the heart of the issue: the more we try to evade certain thoughts, the more they intensify, leading to resistance and anxiety rather than the calm we seek.

I introduce the concept of ironic process theory, which explains how suppression of thoughts only magnifies them. When we declare, “Do not think about this,” our brains paradoxically go into alert mode, hyper-focusing on that very thought. I use relatable examples to illustrate this phenomenon, such as the classic "don't think about a pink elephant." By advising ourselves to avoid certain thoughts, we propel them into our forefront, transforming minor worries into overwhelming mental struggles.

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1120: Introduction to The Pause Practice: Training Yourself to Slow Down And Reset
02 March 2025
1120: Introduction to The Pause Practice: Training Yourself to Slow Down And Reset
In today's episode, Gina shares a pleasant guided meditation to help slow your mind and discover more peace and stillness in the present moment. Use this episode as an opportunity to pause, reflect and reset for enhanced resilience moving forward. Discovering the power of stillness, which you have access to essentially always, can help you make better choices and live more peacefully. Listen in today!
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0:42 Introduction to Pause Practice
2:50 The Importance of Being Present
5:53 Body Awareness and Relaxation
8:03 Exploring the Practice of Pausing
10:23 Breathing and Stillness
13:14 Reflecting on Your Experience
14:45 Integrating the Pause into Daily Life
In today's episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the importance of developing a pause practice, guiding listeners through a profound meditation designed to cultivate a sense of calm and reset amidst the chaos of everyday life. As we navigate a world that demands our constant attention, we often find ourselves swept away by a relentless tide of tasks and thoughts, leaving little room for introspection or rest. This episode serves as an invitation to hit the pause button and reconnect with ourselves.

I begin by addressing the common experience of being overwhelmed by stress and reactivity, where we fail to grant ourselves permission to simply stop and reflect. The essence of this episode is rooted in the transformative power of slowing down, even in brief moments throughout our day. I guide listeners to envision what it might feel like to step away from the rush and take a deep breath, allowing time for observation and resolution. This meditation centers on fostering awareness of the space that exists between stimuli and our responses, a crucial pause that can significantly enhance our emotional well-being.

Throughout this guided meditation, I encourage participants to find a comfortable position and embrace the present moment. By focusing on the natural rhythm of their breath and allowing tension to dissipate, I lead them through a body scan, promoting relaxation and mindfulness. As we journey through each breath, I emphasize the significance of being attentive to our surroundings and our internal states. This practice not only aids in reducing stress but also facilitates clarity and presence, essential tools when navigating challenging situations.
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1119: Your Mind's Role in Anxiety: Recognizing and Changing Thought Patterns
26 February 2025
1119: Your Mind's Role in Anxiety: Recognizing and Changing Thought Patterns
In today's episode, Gina covers some powerful tips for changing thought patterns that contribute to our anxiety formation. Through understanding how our mind can so easily gravitate to negative thoughts, thoughts that we are so often absolutely certain are true, we can change them and steer ourselves towards better thinking and feeling. This process is largely one of identification and replacement. Learn how to do this, listen in today.
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Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.
-Kahlil Gibran
0:42 Introduction to Anxiety and Mind
1:44 Common Thinking Patterns in Anxiety
4:04 Catastrophizing and Fearing the Worst
6:40 Mind Reading and Fortune Telling
8:38 Negative Self-Talk and Its Effects
11:31 Understanding Black and White Thinking
13:05 Emotional Reasoning and Its Impact
14:22 The Burden of Should Statements
16:02 Personalization and Blame
16:48 Filtering Negative Thoughts
17:07 Shifting Your Thinking Patterns
21:08 Practicing Mindfulness and Gratitude
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the critical role our minds play in managing anxiety, focusing on recognizing and transforming detrimental thought patterns. I explore the ways in which our habitual thinking can trigger stress and worry, and I emphasize the possibility of shifting these mental frameworks to cultivate greater peace of mind.

We begin by identifying some common anxiety-inducing thought patterns that many listeners can relate to. I kick off with the concept of "catastrophizing"—the tendency to expect the worst without any real evidence backing our fears. Drawing on my own experiences, I share how this all-or-nothing mindset can leave us perpetually on edge, waiting for disaster to strike. From there, I discuss overgeneralizing, where past negative experiences unfairly color our expectations of future situations, thus trapping us in a cycle of anxiety.

The discussion continues with the pitfalls of mind reading, where we erroneously assume we understand what others are thinking about us. This often leads to unnecessary self-doubt, compounded by fortune telling, which involves predicting negative outcomes without basis. I highlight the physical responses these patterns invoke, particularly focusing on how our nervous systems react and create a feedback loop of anxiety.
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1118: Classic ACP 7 Ways to Reduce Everyday Stress For More Peace and Calm
23 February 2025
1118: Classic ACP 7 Ways to Reduce Everyday Stress For More Peace and Calm
In today's episode, Gina offers seven ways to keep the everyday, common stressors from causing us too much upset and harm. From basic organization and making use of lists to scheduling time for rest, relaxation and meditation, you are bound to find some useful ideas in this episode!
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The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances.
―Andrew Bernstein
0:26 Introduction to Everyday Stress
3:26 Strategies for Organization
5:01 Addressing Annoyances
7:04 Overcoming Procrastination
8:25 Importance of Relaxation
12:01 Evaluating Relationships
13:55 Reassessing Your Job
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I discuss the pressing issue of everyday stress and unveil seven effective strategies for reclaiming peace and calm in your daily life. Recognizing that it’s often the smaller stressors—not just the big life challenges—that weigh us down, I provide practical tips that can help alleviate these seemingly minor irritations before they accumulate and escalate our anxiety.

I delve into the common tendency to overlook little stressors, such as a misbehaving kitchen drawer or a persistent squeaky door. These daily frustrations may appear insignificant, but I emphasize that their repeated presence can collectively drain our mental energy and contribute to a general sense of unease. The crux of my message is clear: if we tackle these seemingly trivial annoyances, we can lighten our mental load, thereby enhancing our capacity to manage larger stressors in life.

Organizational strategies form the cornerstone of the first method I recommend. I share insights on how reducing physical clutter not only clears our living spaces but also invigorates our mental clarity.

Next, I suggest creating a comprehensive list of all those nagging tasks—bills, appointments, and maintenance chores—that linger in our minds. By transferring these worries onto paper and committing to regularly revisit the list, we lighten our cognitive burden and prevent these tasks from piling up into a compounding source of stress. The practice of regularly reviewing my task lists has transformed my approach to managing daily responsibilities.
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1117 Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 3
19 February 2025
1117 Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 3
In today's episode, Gina shares the third and final part of her interview with mindset expert John Assaraf. John shares some powerful exercises for initiating positive change in one's life and reversing the natural tendency for people to live with mostly negative thoughts. Use these tips to fill your life with positive thoughts and start feeling better and achieving more of what you want in life.
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0:42 Welcome back
6:30 Understanding Anxiety
11:15 Inner Sizing Techniques
15:59 The Power of Commitment
21:23 Overcoming Negative Patterns
26:31 Resources and Support
29:25 Conclusion and Farewell
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I continue my enlightening discussion with John Ashraf, a renowned mindset coach and mental fitness trainer. This episode marks the conclusion of our three-part series, in which we explore the multifaceted nature of anxiety and the psychological patterns that underpin it. We delve into the significant distinction between emotions and feelings, emphasizing that our reactions to various stimuli aren't inherently linked to the stimuli itself but rather to our perceptions shaped by previous experiences and beliefs.

Throughout our conversation, we unpack the workings of the brain, particularly focusing on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system, which governs our stress responses and instinctive reactions, often drives us into cycles of anxiety and negative thought patterns. John introduces the concept of "Frankie’s monster," a metaphorical representation of our subconscious fears that can overwhelm us if left unchecked. He emphasizes the importance of awareness and the need to interrupt these automatic patterns that diminish our sense of well-being.

We discuss practical strategies for managing and transforming anxiety. John shares "inner sizes," such as the breathing technique known as "Take Six," which helps calm our nervous systems and ease feelings of stress. By focusing on our breathing and engaging in positive self-talk, we can shift from a state of anxiety to one of calm and control. This technique exemplifies how we can reinforce new, healthier neural pathways by consciously choosing to challenge our automatic negative thoughts (ANTS) and replace them with automatic positive thoughts (APTS).

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1116: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 2
16 February 2025
1116: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 2
In today's episode, Gina shares part 2 of her interview with neuroscience and success expert John Assaraf. The exercises John shares in this episode can help you take substantial strides in your anxiety recovery journey. These lessons can be applied in other areas of life as well, including business and relationships. Listen in for some useful wisdom from John Assaraf!
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0:43 Welcome back
2:20 Neuroplasticity Insights
5:06 Empowering Belief Systems
9:54 Commitment to Change
14:40 Personal Story of Transformation
19:02 Micro Steps to Progress
21:16 Looking Ahead to Part Three
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I dive into an enlightening continuation of my conversation with John Assaraf, a renowned expert in the field of neuroscience and personal development. Building on insights from our previous discussion, we explore how deeply ingrained belief systems shape our realities and influence our emotions, self-talk, and overall well-being.

We begin by dissecting the concept of belief systems, acknowledging that while many of our beliefs may not be accurate, they profoundly affect how we perceive and interact with the world. I pose a pivotal question: Can we replace disempowering beliefs with more empowering alternatives? The answer, as John eloquently articulates, lies in neuroplasticity—the extraordinary capacity of our brains to reorganize and form new neural connections throughout our lives. This means we have the ability to change our thought patterns and emotional responses by consciously practising new beliefs which serve our goals and aspirations.

As we discuss methods to facilitate this transformative process, I introduce listeners to the concept of "inner sizing." This simple exercise involves identifying a disempowering belief and reframing it through empowered language. By consistently repeating this new belief—recording it, listening to it, and engaging in aligned behavior—we begin to rewire our brains, automating more positive thought patterns. We highlight the importance of consistency in these practices, explaining that the brain responds to repetition, much like strengthening a muscle through exercise.















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cognitive restructuring

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1115: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 1
12 February 2025
1115: Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety Using Neuroscience With John Assaraf Part 1
In today's episode, Gina shares part one of an interview she conducted with John Assaraf, a world renowned mindset and success expert. John has published numerous books and appeared in numerous films including "The Secret". Listen in as John and Gina begin to unpack some valuable wisdom that can help you succeed in your anxiety recovery journey.
Find John Assaraf here
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0:43 Introduction to John Ashraf
2:22 John’s Personal Journey
9:00 The Mentor That Changed Everything
10:56 Understanding Brain Function
12:14 The Role of Beliefs
14:06 Types of Beliefs Explained
19:48 Overcoming Our Belief Systems
20:42 Conclusion and Next Steps
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, host Gina Ryan welcomes world-renowned mindset and success expert John Ashraf. Ashraf, a highly respected figure in personal development, brings a wealth of knowledge with his background as a successful entrepreneur, author of 14 books (including two New York Times bestsellers), and appearances in prominent films such as "The Secret." Throughout the conversation, John emphasizes the importance of mental fitness and personal growth, discussing his experiences that shaped his journey and his innovative approaches to mindset coaching.

John shares his tumultuous background, detailing the challenges he faced growing up, including familial instability due to an alcoholic father, personal insecurities, and involvement in illegal activities. These experiences led him to a pivotal moment in his life when his brother introduced him to Alan Brown, a successful real estate developer who became his mentor. This encounter was transformative, as Brown prompted John to reflect on his goals and dreams, challenging him to distinguish between being interested in achieving his aspirations and being truly committed to them. This distinction acted as a catalyst for John’s personal development, and he committed to changing the trajectory of his life.

The discussion moves toward the fundamental concept of belief systems, where John elaborates on how beliefs shape our reality and behaviors. He explains the two types of beliefs: declarative beliefs—those we can consciously acknowledge—and non-declarative beliefs, which reside in our subconscious and often dictate our self-worth and potential. He emphasizes that no one is born with beliefs; rather, they’re formed through experiences, interactions, and environmental influences throughout life.

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1114: Most People Let Their Thoughts Run Wild - This Meditation Helps You Find Calm
09 February 2025
1114: Most People Let Their Thoughts Run Wild - This Meditation Helps You Find Calm
In today's episode, Gina shares a very calming guided meditation designed to help you realize a peaceful state quickly. Anchoring your awareness to your breath can allow you to come to know more space in your mind. Coming to realize that thoughts are not necessarily true and do not have the capacity to harm us, can allow us to release the thoughts and focus on well-being and peace. Give this beautiful mindfulness meditation a try today!
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0:42 Introduction to Finding Calm
7:03 Guided Meditation Begins
12:44 Embracing Peaceful Presence
13:50 Carrying Calm into Your Day
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the profound connection between our thoughts and mental well-being, guiding you on a journey toward achieving a state of calm through meditation. Drawing on the metaphor of the mind as a wild horse and ourselves as the riders, I explore the nuances of taming our thoughts, which can often run rampant if left unchecked. I emphasize the importance of understanding that our minds are not out to harm us but are instead functioning on instinct, honed through generations of survival.

Throughout our conversation, I reflect on the historical context of our thoughts—how they are shaped by our survival needs rather than by the realities of the modern world. I challenge the notion that every intrusive thought or alert feeling is a true threat, urging listeners to differentiate between real dangers and everyday stressors. This discernment is crucial in our efforts to cultivate a more peaceful and centered mindset.

As we transition into a guided meditation segment, I invite listeners to find a comfortable position and connect with their breath. The meditation serves as a foundational practice for recognizing that our thoughts, while sometimes overwhelming, do not define us. I guide you to observe thoughts without judgment as they arise, encouraging you to see them as passing clouds rather than entities to be engaged with or feared. This practice fosters a sense of stillness and awareness, reinforcing the idea that the true self is the observer beneath the thoughts.
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1113: The Worst Thing About Anxiety: Believing Every Thought
05 February 2025
1113: The Worst Thing About Anxiety: Believing Every Thought
In today's episode, Gina covers a common tendency in individuals suffering with anxiety: the tendency to believe even the most outlandish, negative thoughts. An easy to implement key to anxiety recovery is realizing so many of the thoughts our anxiety driven monkey-mind throws at us are not true. Becoming more directive in our thinking, that is thinking thoughts we want to think and that make us feel better and stronger, can help lessen the burden our anxiety causes us and even starve it of some of its most potent fuel. Listen in and beat negative thoughts today!
Book mentioned in today’s show
Don't Believe Everything You Think : Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering by Joseph Nguyen
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The thoughts that pass through your mind are not the true you. They are the passing weather of your soul.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
0:42 Introduction to Anxiety
5:57 The Power of Thoughts
10:01 Key Takeaways from the Book
14:02 Practical Steps for Managing Anxiety
In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into a critical aspect of anxiety: the tendency to believe every thought we experience. This inclination can significantly exacerbate anxiety, as our minds often produce distorted and exaggerated thoughts that feel undeniably real, even when they are far from the truth. I explore the implications of accepting these thoughts without scrutiny and how they reinforce our fear-based reactions, intensifying our anxiety over time.

Anxiety thrives on worst-case scenarios, which often leads us into a fear loop—a cycle where anxious thoughts trigger a physical stress response, such as a racing heart or sweaty palms. This physiological reaction can further convince us that there is a real threat we must address right away, only serving to perpetuate the anxiety loop. I discuss how our brains tend to seek evidence that supports these anxious thoughts, a phenomenon known as confirmation bias, which limits our perception and keeps us entrenched in our fears.

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1112: Classic ACP Do You Have High Functioning Anxiety
02 February 2025
1112: Classic ACP Do You Have High Functioning Anxiety
In today's episode, Gina discusses the topic of high functioning anxiety and how many people living with anxiety also live busy, impactful lives. There are both positive and negative features to this form of anxiety. Find out what the characteristics of this category of anxiety are and whether or not it applies to you. Listen in today!

The Characteristics of High Functioning Anxiety (
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And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.
- John Steinbeck

0:04 Introduction to High-Functioning Anxiety
1:39 Understanding High-Functioning Anxiety
7:01 Positive Traits of High-Functioning Anxiety
8:12 Negative Traits of High-Functioning Anxiety
13:36 Living with High-Functioning Anxiety
16:19 Conclusion and Reflection
In this episode, I delve into the intricacies of high-functioning anxiety, a term that resonates with many yet remains under-acknowledged in mental health conversations. It's not classified as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-5, but it encapsulates the experience of individuals who appear to lead fulfilling lives while grappling with persistent anxiety beneath the surface. Drawing inspiration from a recent article that struck a chord with me, I explore the characteristics and behaviors associated with high-functioning anxiety.

As I unpack this topic, I encourage listeners to reflect on their own experiences and recognize that high-functioning anxiety can manifest in a multitude of ways. It's common for individuals in this position to feel an internal struggle that contrasts sharply with their outward success. While you may be praised for being organized, punctual, and dependable—traits often associated with a type A personality—there may be a constant undercurrent of anxiety that propels you rather than immobilizes you. I urge you to assess how you truly feel inside, separate from the perceptions others may have of you.

Throughout our discussion, I highlight both the positive and negative characteristics associated with high-functioning anxiety. On one hand, the traits can foster a reputation of success and reliability, where outwardly you appear to have it all together. Yet, on the other hand, these very traits may be symptoms of anxiety, driven by fears of inadequacy or the desire to please others. I outline how these conflicting realities can lead to perfectionist tendencies, where success becomes a double-edged sword, offering validation on one hand while masking a deeper sense of unease on the other.

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