Following Myronies to Lead You to A Fulfilled Life with Corey Poirier

Following Myronies to Lead You to A Fulfilled Life with Corey Poirier

Alysha Myronuk

About this episode

When I meet someone who really and I mean REALLY gets myrony, I am a like a kid in a candy shop and let me tell you, this week’s AMAZING guest, Corey Poirier absolutely does because he recognizes the biggest piece that moves it from a synchronicity to MYRONY is the action that needs to be taken!! Only because Corey was constantly in motion with what he was putting out there to manifest and make happen is how he has connected with some of the biggest thought leaders in the world like Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Lisa Nichols and Bob Proctor (just to name a few) , which then led him to create his bLU Talks Speaking Events/Books (Think Tedx Talks + Spirituality) and is even doing a documentary project with James Redfield of the Celestine Prophecy which as I mention in Ep. 58 was how I described my experience back in May ’15 so if that’s not myronic I don’t know what is?! 

When you listen to Corey’s story, you are going to hear how it goes all the way back to a psychic that shifted his awareness to then help him follow his spiritual breadcrumbs that eventually became a divine thread of interweaving of people including how we connected…the start of this thread starts off with our mutual friend, DeeAnne Riendeau who is also my spiritual mentor (Ep. 65) where in her Akashic Course in Fall of 2020, I met another soul friend and former guest, Rosalyn Fung (Ep. 34) that recently connected Corey and I which I am so grateful so thanks Rosalyn!!  

I hope what Corey shares truly inspires you to start acting on the synchronicities in your life because I am still so blown away by how all our stories intersect when we live all around the US and Canada!! Finally, thank you Corey for also documenting everything to help show how we can’t make these myronies up even if we tried!! Also love that you truly understand this fun superpower of awareness and want to help others discover it too, so superpowers unite!! #thatsmyrony ;)

About the Guest:

Corey Poirier is a multiple-time TEDx Speaker. He is also the host of the top rated ‘Let’s Do Influencing’ Radio Show, founder of the growing bLU Talks brand, and has been featured in multiple television specials. He is also a Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Apple Books and Kobo Bestselling Author, Award Winning Author, and the co-author of the Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller, Quitless.

A columnist with Entrepreneur and Forbes magazine, he has been featured in/on various mediums and is one of the few leaders featured twice on the popular Entrepreneur on Fire show.

He has also interviewed over 6,500 of the world’s top leaders and he has spoken on-site at Harvard and more recently to Microsoft team leaders and at Kyle Wilson’s Inner Circle retreat which has featured everyone from Brian Tracy to Mark Victor Hansen to Phil Collen (Def Leppard).

Also appearing on the popular Evan Carmichael YouTube Channel, he is a New Media Summit Icon of Influence, was recently listed as the # 5 Influencer in Entrepreneurship by Thinkers 360, and listed on the 2021 Brainz CREA Global Awards as an honouree, and he is an Entrepreneur of the Year Nominee, Champion Award (Business from The Heart) nominee, and to demonstrate his versatility, a Rock Recording of the Year Nominee who has performed stand-up comedy more than 700 times, including an appearance at the famed Second City.

About the Host:

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower! 

Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her...