12: Perspectives on... Islamophobia

12: Perspectives on... Islamophobia

RCGP Membership Communities

About this episode

#TeamGP Perspectives are peer-to-peer conversations digging in to anything and everything general practice. This episode our panel discuss Islamophobia, their experiences as Muslim GPs and what Islamophobia Awareness Month means to them.


Follow Salman, Zirva, and Dornu on Twitter and Tahmina on Instagram.

Resources & Links

BIMA and Huffington Post survey of Muslim healthcare workers

British Islamic Medical Association

Islamophobia Awareness

BIMA Ramadan compendium, guidance on providing prayer time, and surgical attire toolkit

Salman also mentioned the book 1001 Cures

Email membershipcommunities@rcgp.org.uk for more information on how to get involved with the College's work on religious inclusion, racial equity and other EDI initiatives.

Please note that the views expressed in these conversations are that of RCGP members and may not represent RCGP views or policy.