862: Svelte 5 Is Here!
18 December 2024

862: Svelte 5 Is Here!

Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

Is Svelte becoming React? Scott and Wes explore the exciting updates in Svelte 5, including Runes, Snippets, odd font choices, and performance benchmarks, while discussing custom event updates, migration tips, and potential performance gains.

Show Notes
    00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
      Scott’s Svelte5 Overview.
    01:27 Brought to you by Sentry.io. 02:06 What’s new in Svelte 5?
      02:13 Runes.
        04:47 $state 07:00 $state.snapshot 11:47 $derived 12:46 $derived.by 15:41 $effect 17:24 $effect.pre 18:05 $effect use cases. 22:20 $props 24:57 Binding state. 27:15 $inspect
        28:46 $inspect(…).with
      30:42 Snippets. 34:22 Events now onclick instead of on:click. 36:09 Custom events now just props instead of createEventDispatcher.
    36:31 Serif Font on website. 40:01 Performance.
      Benchmarks Doc. Benjamin McCann Tweet.
    46:41 Is Svelte becoming React? 49:21 Migration. 51:41 What’s next and wish list for Svelte. 57:12 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.
Sick Picks
    Scott: Dragon Quest 3. Wes: Dresscode.dev.
Shameless Plugs
    Scott: Syntax on YouTube.
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