Sixteen Sunday After Pentecost, Sept. 20, 2020
Sixteen Sunday After Pentecost, Sept. 20, 2020

Sixteen Sunday After Pentecost, Sept. 20, 2020

Texts: Isaiah 55:6–9; Philippians 1:12–14, 19–30; Matthew 20:1–16
Disciples Live in Their Vocations by Grace through Faith in Christ

Those who are sent as “laborers for his vineyard” (Matt. 20:1) depict the wide diversity of vocations to which the disciples of Christ Jesus are called. Whatever our particular stations in life may be, we are called to live and serve by faith in His promises. Our labors do not merit anything before Him, for He is already generous to one and all without partiality. In mercy, He has chosen to bear “the burden of the day and the scorching heat” on our behalf, to make us equal to Himself and to give us what belongs to Him, that is, the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 20:12–15). This way of the Lord is foolishness to the world and foreign to our thoughts, but He draws near, so that “he may be found” (Is. 55:6), “have compassion” and “abundantly pardon” (Is. 55:7). So it is that we are found in Christ Jesus, and He is honored in our bodies, “whether by life or by death” (Phil. 1:20), by “fruitful labor” (Phil. 1:22) or by suffering. It is by faith in His forgiveness that our works are “worthy of the gospel” (Phil. 1:27).

Devine Service, Setting Three from Lutheran Service Book.
Scripture quotations are from ESV Bible
All Liturgy Audio Files are from LCMS Worship Ministry - Lutheran Service Book Audio (
Please note that the Hymnals are taken from online Auto-generated by YouTube and from, Lutheran Warbler,
Koiné, Downtown Music Publishing, CPH