Advice For Building A Brand Online 7th ANNIVERSARY #SaturdayMorningHustle Podcast "Best Of SMH"

Advice For Building A Brand Online 7th ANNIVERSARY #SaturdayMorningHustle Podcast "Best Of SMH"

Kyle Golding

About this episode

I have been talking about the proper way to build audiences and brands on the Saturday Morning Hustle for a long time. Want to be an entrepreneur or run a successful business? Avoid Social Media "experts" using inspirational quotes + stock photos of exotic cars and vacations. Instead, pay attention to people willing to share practical advice on how to build a business on a day-to-day basis.

Don't let them sell you a "system" or "one weird trick" to success. Watch people who #Hustle #Grind and share #Advice along the way. Other people's success doesn't stop you from having success. Good luck to everyone willing to work hard for your dreams.

Once you make some $$, don't blow it on superficial stuff. Build your brand THE RIGHT WAY! Originally posted 7/4/20. Happy 4th of July. Celebrate freedom, but please be careful. See you next week!

New SMH episodes ended on 5/18/24 but I'm still posting #BestOf and #Flashback episodes from the last 7 years until the end of 2024. You can still find all the past episodes, swag and links to your favorite podcast platforms at

It's Saturday. I'm in the office. This is the Saturday Morning Hustle podcast. Listen while your competition is still sleeping.