Advise to a lady who realized the ex took over the friend AKICALTD 2021-08-10 22-00-00 (

Advise to a lady who realized the ex took over the friend AKICALTD 2021-08-10 22-00-00 (

Rolex De Love Coach

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Just found out my husband was having affairs with a my close friend while we were together LetterOfTheDay

Here....Rolex, I entered highest level of betrayal by my friend.After putting my effort to staying with my boyfriend to the extent of giving him big money from my savings.You won't believe what it took me to, my lover (ex lover) kept breaking up with me and then drawing me back into a relationship with him.I got caught up in the cycle and then I started noticing the patterns and then I realized that I had to disengage and feel that pain that always comes from losing a really intense relationship.The worst was wen he slept with my close friend and I found out. She then told me it was to prove that my boyfriend was not good for me and that why he divorced me.I then found out my boyfriend was having affairs with a my close friend while we were together too…. They're even dating now… I feel so bad about it.I'm heartbroken.