Rivers Of Life Assembly
Rivers Of Life Assembly

Rivers Of Life Assembly

Rivers Of Life Assembly
Pastor David Kunobwa a prolific teacher of the Word and a present-day bible revelator, specializes in, but not limited to unlocking mysteries that would enlighten, strengthen, illuminate, and bring understanding and spiritual insight to the body of Christ, leading and positioning people in places where they would discover their call and destiny in Christ Jesus, [he believes to everyone born there's a call and a purpose].
A Ugandan-Bostonian of the inhabitants of Waltham Ma. grew up in a multi-cultural dimensional society with different sects and beliefs, not forgetting the secular world that had had a grip on his life till age 19 when he was radically transformed by the power of the Lord.
Discovering the call of God on his life, Pastor David joined the highway into ministry shortly after his conversion, preaching the word of God wherever doors were splitting open; and later with his radical but humble spirit, on the wings of persecution founded the World Revival Intercessory Center (WRIC) in Woburn, Ma. and David Kunobwa Ministries (DKM), an international Ministry that reaches the poor, the lost, the brokenhearted, the captives and the bound through the saving, healing, and life transforming power of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He's been described as one of God's ambassadors with the end-time prophetic anointing to preach decadence out of the church & holiness back in the body of Christ. He has stepped on many platforms especially in the United States, preaching the concrete incorruptible message of the Cross with a powerful prophetic flow rebirthing enduring legacies and restoring prophetic destinies accompanied with the demonstration of the Spirit & of power through the manifestation of miracles, signs, and wonders. As a prophetic intercessor with a high prophetic mandate, Pastor David is ushering forth a new breed of disciples to embrace the Spirit of Elijah that would crush and eradicate the strongholds that have for such a long time suffocated widespread revelation. He now heads a growing congregation in body, soul and spirit to present it glorious to the Lord as without spot or wrinkle.