youtube: https://youtu.be/U1F_8_0-SAU
"10 Intransitive and Transitive Verbs in Japanese that are commonly used in daily conversations but easily confused!"
"Through creating example sentences and listening to Yukiko-sensei's explanations, understand the 10 intransitive and transitive verbs that even advanced Japanese learners often get wrong. Yukiko-sensei's explanations not only cover grammar but also include many everyday conversations. So, everyone, listen carefully and learn the usage of intransitive and transitive verbs while understanding the meaning of the example sentences."
チョークアート オランジット
🔗 https://www.orangette-chalkart.com/
As a professional Japanese teacher, I know that listening to a native speaker and repeating out loud yourself are both very important. With this youtube movie, I provide a natural Japanese listening experience for casual Japanese enthusiasts and serious students, too. Through listening and repetition, you'll learn very natural Japanese that is actually used in daily life in Japan!
專業的日籍日語老師由紀子. 在廣播用生活日語跟大家說說話. 收聽這個廣播,可以學到學校和教科書沒教的日語. 想要看字幕的話,請到由紀子老師的youtube或網站觀看.
→ Yukikoのオンラインレッスンは
#jlptn3vocabulary #jlpt "learnjapanese #自動詞他動詞 #nihongo