John Pineda - The Vibrant World of Indie Game Development, Crafting Immersive Storytelling, and the Challenges and Triumphs of Publishing in the Gaming Industry - 'RAMING TANONG #29

John Pineda - The Vibrant World of Indie Game Development, Crafting Immersive Storytelling, and the Challenges and Triumphs of Publishing in the Gaming Industry - 'RAMING TANONG #29

Rami Amer Hourani

About this episode

Dive into the vibrant world of indie game development with our latest episode featuring JohnPineda, the programming maestro behind Yangyang Mobile. Delve into the intricacies of crafting immersive storytelling in visual novels, dating sims, and more, as John shares insights into their heavy emphasis on original IP development. Explore the challenges and triumphs of publishing across diverse platforms, from PC to console and mobile. Discover the secret ingredients driving their pursuit of gaming excellence and their unwavering commitment to honing both development and publishing skills. Tune in for an exclusive peek behind the scenes of the gaming industry with John, a trailblazer dedicated to pushing the boundaries of indie game creation.