Ely Sabanay Jr. - Addressing Cebu's Pressing Urban Issues, Advocacy Building, and the Rippling Waves towards a Greater Cebu - 'RAMING TANONG #31

Ely Sabanay Jr. - Addressing Cebu's Pressing Urban Issues, Advocacy Building, and the Rippling Waves towards a Greater Cebu - 'RAMING TANONG #31

Rami Amer Hourani

About this episode

As a development worker and entrepreneur, Elizar Sabinay Jr. or more fondly known as Ely, is reshaping Metro Cebu by addressing issues from traffic to waste management. With a background in Political Science and ongoing studies in Urban Planning, he brings a unique blend of academic insight and hands-on experience. Currently, as the Program Director at Cebu Leads Foundation Inc., Ely navigates the Mega Cebu Program, engaging in innovative solutions for present and future urban challenges. Join us as Ely shares his expertise and unveils the keys to sustainable urban planning.