August 05, 2024
Daily Devotion:
"Love and Obedience Rewarded"
Deuteronomy 11:1
New International Version
1 Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.
The chapter starts with this command to love and always obey and goes on to describe the blessings bestowed on those who are obedient to God’s commands.
But what about this takes bravery? What about being obedient makes us brave? I think the answer is right there in verse 16, where Moses warns us, “Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the Lord and serve and worship other gods.” God knows we are easily distracted, deceived, unintentionally careless, and forgetful. It takes courage and bravery to be obedient to God when the world tempts us to turn away. We can stand firm in our faith when the world distracts us with empty promises. Nothing good comes from being disobedient. But being obedient to Him is how we show our love to God, according to verse 22.
God graciously calls us to obedience, and He will readily shower us with His blessings when we walk in His ways. In light of this promise, we can live brave and obey God.