Parodia y Crítica Cultural: mock documentary

Parodia y Crítica Cultural: mock documentary

Mariely Rivera-Hernández



About this episode

La industria del cine en Puerto Rico es un excelente objeto de estudio para discutir los géneros y en este episodio se trabaja la parodia. Nos deleitamos con el caso de la película I Am a Director, en función de la investigación de Andria Antongiorgi quien analiza el contexto contemporáneo a tenor con el mock documentary. Conecta con ella a través de

Parody and Cultural Criticism: Mock Documentary - Genre is a great topic to discuss, especially in parody where the film industry in Puerto Rico can be considered as a case study. In this episode, we were delighted to talked about the film I Am a Director, in which Andria Antongiorgi studied the contemporary context in accordance with the mock documentary. Connect with her