Motherhood Is Not About Sacrificing, But Prioritizing - Usri Sen

Motherhood Is Not About Sacrificing, But Prioritizing - Usri Sen


About this episode

Introducing Usri Sen, our third real mom of the series “Real Moms Real Stories” talking about her motherhood experience. In the professional world becoming a mother and taking a maternity break becomes a limitation for a woman. Society has made a definitive image and role of a mother. Mothers should not feel guilty about their professional life, they should rather have a balance between being rational and emotional. It is best to see and decide what is going to be best for the child in the long run. The equation with a child radically changes as he/she grows up as well as the trigger points of guilt. “What makes you feel guilty right now will be different from what will make you feel guilty in 10 or 3 years hence from now.”
People will always have a perception about you that cannot be controlled. They will give advice which has worked for them. But each experience is different, each state of mind is different, each child is unique and different. Advises that worked for certain people might or might not work for other parents. “A mother knows what’s best for the child.” The choice is always on mothers.
Usri shared her motherhood joy with us by sharing a few of her life’s experiences. She is thrilled to see how her son has started learning to understand things by just observing. Kids cannot be spoon-fed, they rather learn by observations. 

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