Christmas is Coming, Are You Ready?
21 December 2021

Christmas is Coming, Are You Ready?

New Day of Hope Podcast

This is the time of year when everyone starts getting ready for Christmas, 
We become so busy celebrating the season that we totally miss the reason for the season! We become centered on shopping for the right gifts and forget to tell others of God’s perfect gift. We are not prepared for Christmas until our priorities are in line. 

This year the wonder of Christmas can come alive for you in brand new ways if you will open your heart and allow God to prepare you for Christmas.

Are you ready for Christmas?  I am not talking about decorations and shopping.  I am talking about your hearts.  You may be materially ready.  You may have all the gifts bought.    But are you spiritually ready? you better get ready because the time for getting ready is short.  Make way for Christmas is coming!