Episode 8: How taking part in an EU mobility helps you with your career growth

Episode 8: How taking part in an EU mobility helps you with your career growth

Jump into Freedom

About this episode

Yes, you guessed it! Our 8th  episode is already out! 😍⁠

Still not sure what is the point in participating in an EU mobility outside of your country?

Well, then this one is for you! Learn how you can jumpstart your career by acquiring the most in-demand skills and competencies by the business worldwide.

⁠In this episode, we talk about how participating in an EU mobility program abroad can help you in finding your first job and in your professional growth and career opportunities. 

⁠Learn the skills that will make you more competitive in the job market and step up your game!

✌️ Don't forget to check out our vacancies⁠


*The episode is based on the VALERA study published in https://journals.openedition.org/belgeo/6399?lang=en.