Mockery Manor meets... Midst!

Mockery Manor meets... Midst!

Long Cat Media

About this episode

We're delighted to be bringing you one of our long-time favourite audio dramas - the wild and wonderful science-fantasy-western Midst.
But before that, we sat down with the show's three mysterious creators Xen, Sara and Matt, to have a good old chat about the making of both Midst and Mockery Manor! We've been fans of each others' shows from their very beginnings, and it was such a pleasure to finally meet them.
A little about Midst:
The small desert planet of Midst spins on the border between two halves of the cosmos: the dazzling Un and the mysterious Fold. Life is simple for most of the planet’s inhabitants… until an influential civilization known as the Trust takes an interest in Midst and sparks an unexpected chain of events, intertwining the lives of three complicated antiheroes. Also, unrelated to any of that, Midst’s moon is about to fall out of the sky and cause reality to eat itself alive, so that’s not great either. Unsolved murders, cult brainwashing, and supernatural darkness all combine to create a clusterfuck of cosmic proportions.
As always, you can find Midst wherever you get your podcasts.
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