Jana Winderen: Spring Bloom
07 January 2022

Jana Winderen: Spring Bloom

Matéria Prima
We  interview Jana Winderen after her performance at GNRation, Braga, to  hear of her experience doing field recordings on the Arctic marginal ice  zone.
We  get to know how she experiences her art and the forms in which she  finds ways to tell stories and lend a microphone to often  under-represented beings and critters, like planton, whales and other  sea dwellers.
“The listener experiences the bloom of plankton, the shifting and  crackling sea ice in the Barents Sea around Spitsbergen (towards the  North Pole) and the underwater sounds made by bearded seals, migrating  species such as humpbacks and orcas, and the sound of hunting seithe and  spawning cod. All depend on the spring bloom. Jana Winderen researches  the hidden depths with the latest technology; her work reveals the  complexity and strangeness of the unseen world beneath. The audio  topography of the oceans and the depth of ice crevasses are brought to  the surface.” – from Jana Winderen’s Bandcamp
About Jana’s sounds:
About Jana:
“Jana Winderen is an artist who currently lives and works in Norway.  Her practice pays particular attention to audio environments and to  creatures which are hard for humans to access, both physically and  aurally – deep under water, inside ice or in frequency ranges inaudible  to the human ear. Her activities include site-specific and spatial audio  installations and concerts, which have been exhibited and performed  internationally in major institutions and public spaces.” – from Jana’s  website