Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/22/22

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/22/22

Cumulus Podcast Network

About this episode

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, WPHT radio host Rich Zeoli fills in for Mark. 18 Republicans voted with Democrats to pass the outrageous $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill. It looked like Republicans could get Title 42 put back in place as a compromise, but Mitch McConnell is so pathetic that failed too. Instead of waiting for the Republican majority in January, McConnell cowered and caved to Chuck Schumer and democrat threats of government shutdown. McConnell is celebrating it as a win because there is funding for the military, but it’s only part of this bill to pass all of the other pork and nonsense that we have to pay for. The only silver lining in this bill is that it cut off gain of function research in Wuhan. The FBI, CIA, NSA, and DOD involvement to not only cover up the Hunter Biden laptop is an outrage, and McConnell just rewarded them with a pay raise. The FBI went all in on Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation and have social media push that narrative. Also, the military is telling recruits to not use “sir” or “ma’am” to avoid misgendering drill instructors, and instead use gender neutral terms. This is about capitulating to the LGBT agenda, not about avoiding offending women in the military, because we have a Biden administration that is happy to cave to the pressure. It would be nice when Republicans take over to look into January 6th and see the absolute security lapse that allowed it to occur, and what Democrats in charge knew and when they knew it to allow it. Pelosi is at fault because she as Speaker of the House had ultimate say.
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