Making Stuff Better - Episode 21 - Domestic abuse prevention and support in Seacroft

Making Stuff Better - Episode 21 - Domestic abuse prevention and support in Seacroft

Graham Hyde

About this episode

In this episode we hear from Seacroft Local Care Partnership in Leeds who recognised the significant need to respond to Domestic Abuse, particularly as a result of COVID -19.

But why a focus on Domestic Abuse?

Police reported receiving a call every 30 seconds during the first 7 weeks of lockdown in 2020

The National Domestic Abuse helpline reported a 49% increase of calls to the helpline and Refuge (UK’s largest domestic abuse charity) reported a 120% increase in calls.

In the Killingbeck and Seacroft Ward between (Nov 2018 and Oct2019) WY Police reported 87% of calls are domestic related.

The Boggart Hill area is ranked 4th highest in domestic violence occurrences

The average cost per domestic abuse victim is £34,015

Cost of physical and emotional harm accounts to £47 billion and productivity loss is £14 billion

Some stark figures there.

In their aim of making stuff better, the Local Care Partnership delivered a co-ordinated partnership response for the benefit of local people, which started with a month of awareness raising and taking action and continuing into following months.