Season 5 Ep. 4 Relieving Stress Using SBNRR - Stop Breathe Notice Reflect Respond
28 November 2021

Season 5 Ep. 4 Relieving Stress Using SBNRR - Stop Breathe Notice Reflect Respond

'Live & Learn' with Shivraj Parshad

Is stress a good thing or dreadful thing? It is a question of whether you have more pressure than resources to deal with it. In this episode, I will give you a simple mindfulness exercise to relieve stress – with SBNRR or Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect, Respond. I want you to integrate this practice with your everyday routine.  

Pick an activity today that has the potential to trigger you or cause you stress. Perhaps it’s a commute to work, or a particular job or activity, or possibly an interaction with a difficult person. Try it and let me know how it worked out for you, by writing to me on

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Hi, I’m Shivraj Parshad, a Communication and Executive Coach, Trainer, Podcaster & Presenter. And more recently a practitioner of mindfulness which has an enormous impact on how we communicate with ourselves and others.

In this fresh season I give you more by way of life skills as we look beyond the pandemic to new beginnings. A whole host of new guests will join me, from the training, coaching, mentoring and leadership space, who like me strive to create new personal development tools and mechanisms to inspire you to live your best lives. 

Do check out our earlier seasons, Living & Learning, Good Morning Grammar and the Weekend Playlist on any of your favorite podcast apps.

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