Slice of Life 43:  Garage Sale

Slice of Life 43: Garage Sale

Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning

About this episode

Garage sales, also known as yard sales or tag sales, are a great excuse for homeowners to get rid of clutter by selling their items. They usually last a day, and buyers come to hunt one-of-a-kind items for a cheap price.


A: Olha, esse livro parece interessante e só custa 25 centavos.

B: Nossa, que pechincha!

A: Eu tava dando uma olhada, esse garage sale* tá cheio de coisa legal.

B: É, eu achei essa vela bacana. Meio carinha, mas eu acho que dá pra barganhar.

A: Você realmente precisa de mais uma vela?

B: Claro!

A: Você chegou a ver as roupas?

B: Vi, foi onde eu achei essa jaqueta... e esse pula-pula pogo esquisito.

A: Esse aí a gente definitivamente não precisa!

B: Tá bom, vou botar de volta.

A: Hey, this book looks interesting, and it’s only 25 cents.

B: Dang, that’s a steal.

A: I’ve been looking around; this garage sale has some pretty cool stuff.

B: Yeah, I found this cool candle. Kinda pricey, but I think I can bargain with them.

A: Uh, do we really need another candle?

B: Um yes!

A: Did you even get a chance to see the clothing?

B: Yeah, that’s where I found this jacket… and this weird pogo stick.

A: We definitely don’t need that!

B: Okay.... I’ll put it back.