The Mental Health of High School Students

The Mental Health of High School Students

Rafael Vazquez

About this episode

Lideres del Futuro Avanzando conducted a survey of high school students  in Santa Rosa, California and found that many of them are suffering from  anxiety and depression, but not all feel comfortable going to their  teachers, counselors, or a family member. We must come together and  provide support to these children. Out of 253 respondents, 64 know of  someone who is using drugs or alcohol to cope with their mental health  issues. #mentalhealth  #amorpropio #saludmental  #salud #health  #healthy #emotional  #emotionalsupport #family #selflove #selfcare #humanidadtherapy #sonomacounty  #sonomacountycalifornia #togethertowardshealth  #juntxshacialasalud


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