LetsTalkValue with Dr. Ahunna: digital solutions to drive better patient outcomes

LetsTalkValue with Dr. Ahunna: digital solutions to drive better patient outcomes

Verena Voelter, MD

About this episode

Value-Based Health Care is a buzz word to many. Making it real is what this episode is about: Ahunna Okwubunka-Anyim, MD MBA is the Medical director of IORA Health and a passionata about #VBHC and #DIGITALHEALTH. She beautifully explains in simple words and around practical patient examples what the current disaster of silo-mentality and lack of interoperability produces: poor patient outcomes and burned out health care workers. She describes how Apps, integrated EHRs, and DTx (digital therapeutics) can make the shared decision making in multidisciplinary teams a reality. It's not only an intuitively right thing to do, but leads to saving costs, too. A topic I will discuss in the next episode. As always, if you like this episode and the series, please share, like and subscribe here and for the video version on our YouTube Channel 5P Health Care News.