2 YR ANNIVERSARY 5P Health Care Solutions® and #LetsTalkValue with 5P experts

2 YR ANNIVERSARY 5P Health Care Solutions® and #LetsTalkValue with 5P experts

Verena Voelter, MD

About this episode

Delivering outcomes that matter and results that are important to patients is not only the right thing to do, but also the key to unlock value for all actors along the 5P value chain: providers - pharma - payers - policy - and patients. However, rising costs, unbearable inefficiencies and waning quality are getting in our way. The only way to master these hurdles is by breaking down silos and by building bridges through cooperation. It an honor to welcome five top experts and health care agents to discuss ways to make this a reality. You don't want to miss this episode as we say "Don't take No! for an answer". If you liked, as always, please share and follow so that we can grow the community of practice. Let's Dance !


Hanna Boëthius, Diabetes Patient Expert

Dr Pascal Deschaseaux, CEO NewClin

Dr Nicolas Leupin, CMO Molecular Partners

Dr Katrin Rupalla, CEO Yummobio

Nakisa Serry, LLM, JD, MBA and GC Galderma