The speech that launched a career. Mason Weaver's break through philosophy of prisoner or slave. How you handle information and the truth will determined if you want to be free or just want a better master.
Are You a prisoner or a slave. This ground breaking speech by Mason Weaver in 2001, explains 2021. Either you are a slave trying to please master for some crumbs off his table or you are a prisoner trying to escape to freedom. Which are you?
"This was obviously and act of God. I came prepared to give a different speech, even had notes prepared to do so. However, as I walked up the steps to the stage, the ideal of "The Rope" entered my mind for the first time.
You will see me keep referring to my written notes but I could not see them. It became clear that I was given a message to deliver and I began to ignore my notes. The speech, given before thousands of business leaders has been heard by million now. It became my second book "The Rope."
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