Dr Charley Ferrer-The Cancer Tamer

Dr Charley Ferrer-The Cancer Tamer


About this episode

Meet Dr Charley Ferrer, world renowned clinical sexologist and sex therapist.  She is an award-winning author of several books on relationships, sexuality, self-empowerment and breast cancer. 

Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016 and thyroid cancer in 2017, she became frustrated with the lack of information and treatment options provided to patients.  Dr Charley created the Cancer Tamer Foundation which focuses on education and empowerment. 

Dr Charley's philosophy on breast cancer is realizing cancer is not an "outside force" invading but an "inside force" residing. Her revolutionary new way of thinking about cancer is turning heads, creating controversy and reminding women and men that we should not be at war with our body.

Sponsors:    Hero Soap Company

                    Switch to the Box

                    www.switchtothe box.com/sandy


                   Rare Patient Voice






Links:        http://cancertamer.org

