Financial Lessons from History: Insights from Economic Crises

Financial Lessons from History: Insights from Economic Crises

Runnymede Capital Mgmt | Andy Wang | Caleb Silver | Chris Wang | Gary Brode

About this episode

In this episode of the Inspired Money Live Stream Podcast, we take a fascinating journey through history's most significant economic downturns. Joined by guest experts Caleb Silver, Chris Wang, and Gary Brode, we discuss the complexities of financial crises and crucial lessons learned from the past.

Episode Highlights: Exploring Economic History and Its Lessons

"Financial Lessons from History: Insights from Economic Crises" served as a profound exploration of how past financial disasters have shaped the current economic strategies and investor behaviors. Our distinguished guests shared their insights, offering listeners a comprehensive view of the cyclical nature of markets and the importance of preparedness.

🕒 Episode Insights
    Historic Economic Crashes: Discussion on the 1929 stock market crash and its long-lasting effects. Government Responses to Crises: Analysis of measures like monetary easing and the CARES Act. Investor Behavior During Crises: Exploration of common mistakes and strategies to mitigate panic selling. Role of Financial Media: Insight into how media coverage can influence investor perceptions and decisions. Building Financial Resilience: Tips on creating emergency funds and adopting disciplined investment practices.

Navigating Through Economic Uncertainties

This episode provides invaluable perspectives for anyone interested in understanding the impacts of economic crises and how to navigate them. By studying historical events and their aftermath, our panelists guide listeners through recognizing the signs of economic downturns and strategically safeguarding their investments.

Join the Conversation

We encourage you to dive into this enlightening discussion on historical economic crises. Your insights, questions, or suggestions for future episodes are highly valued. Engage with us to uncover the patterns of financial crises and learn how to better prepare for future economic challenges.

Meet Our Guest Panelists Caleb Silver is the Editor in Chief of Investopedia and host of The Investopedia Express podcast. He is an Emmy-nominated business journalist who previously worked as a Senior Producer for The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, the Executive Producer of CNN Money, and a Senior Producer at Bloomberg Television. He is a frequent guest on CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, and ABC News Radio.
Chris Wang, Managing Partner and Director of Research at Runnymede Capital Management, previously held roles as a research analyst and Assistant Portfolio Manager at TIAA-CREF. With over two decades of experience, Chris is known for Runnymede's unwavering integrity and distinguished track record in safeguarding clients' assets during turbulent financial times.
Gary Brode, Managing Partner at Deep Knowledge Investing, delivers independent stock ideas and market research to sophisticated investors. His career spans M&A and portfolio manager roles at Morgan Stanley, Seneca Capital, Brahman Capital, John Levin & Co., and founding ventures like Akita Capital Management and Silver Arrow.