Why do we need to talk about Alzheimer's?
10 September 2021

Why do we need to talk about Alzheimer's?

Inside Brain

Did you know Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia worldwide? Did you know we don’t have and effective and affordable diagnosis, or a treatment that slows or stops the progression of the disease yet? Did you know Alzheimer’s is still seen with a lot of stigmas and kept out of the conversation? We need to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s, we need to spread information about it, we have to support the families that suffer with this cruel disease. That is why I created Inside Brain! On this episode, I share a little more about myself, Inside Brain, and Alzheimer's disease with you! Check it out!


Alzheimer’s disease: Past, Present, and Future – by Mark W. Bondi, Emily C. Edmonds, and David P. Salmon

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