Episode 19 - Shane Hodge - TheCamel.co

Episode 19 - Shane Hodge - TheCamel.co

Chris Simmance

About this episode


In this conversation, Chris Simmance interviews Shane Hodge, CEO and co-founder of The Camel Co, a Duda platform major solutions partner based in the Philippines. They discuss the agency's journey and how they have adapted to post-COVID challenges. Shane shares the key driver for their transformation, which was moving away from a master-slave relationship with clients and focusing on value-added partnerships. They also explore the importance of niche specialization and the rise of consultative selling in the digital marketing industry. Shane emphasizes the need for leaders to empower their teams and focus on their strengths. They conclude by discussing future plans and setting goals for the next 12 months.


Adapting to post-COVID challenges requires a reevaluation of business strategies and a focus on value-added partnerships.

Niche specialization is crucial for agencies to stand out and provide specialized expertise to clients.

The shift from basic services to specialist skills and consultative selling is becoming increasingly important in the digital marketing industry.

Leaders should empower their teams and focus on their strengths, allowing them to work smarter and achieve better results.


00:00 Introduction and Catching Up

01:02 Overview of the Agency

02:13 Adapting to Post-COVID Challenges

03:08 Transition to Value-Added Partnerships

04:09 The Driver for Change

05:20 Empowering the Team

07:32 Trends in the Digital Marketing Industry

09:01 The Importance of Niche Specialization

10:35 Working Smarter, Not Harder

11:49 The Rise of Consultative Selling

15:14 The Shift from Basics to Specialist Skills

19:00 Leadership and Empowerment

21:26 Future Plans and Growth

22:45 Celebrating Success in 12 Months

23:19 Closing Remarks