92: Child Acting with Ansley Kopp

92: Child Acting with Ansley Kopp


About this episode

Our frontal lobes aren't even fully developed

Trigger warning: this episode contains mentions or discussions of labour exploitation, child exploitation, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, medication, psychosis, predatory behaviour towards children, method acting, Jared Leto, Harvey Weinstein, sexism, misogyny

Ansley sits down (after half an hour of retail chat) for a longer than normal episode on the child acting business, and it's a pretty heavy episode. In it we discuss Coogan accounts, exposees of the acting business, the need for socialisation with kids, and just how fucked up everything is.

If you liked the episode, please feel free to tell us about it! You can send your comments and suggestions to our podcast Twitter (@HyperfixationsP), or our Instagram (@Hyperfixationspod), and join our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/NQJFFHgpgf

You can can find our guest Ansley can be found on Twitter @bbqchicksalad, on Instagram @ansleykopp, and on Tiktok @ansleykopp

Listen to their podcast Wowie Zowie on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts

And your hosts can be reached individually here:

Ally - Twitter: @alleykat_, Instagram: @ally_k_keegan

Nigel -  Twitter: @spicynigel

If you would like to come onto the show to discuss one of your Hyperfixations, please feel free to reach out at any of the aforementioned social media.

Thank you so much for listening, you rock!

Intro/Outro Song: Strollin Along by David Renda, find it here - https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/royalty-free-music/download/strollin-along/339