For the Pop Stop 18 this week (Feb 19, 2025) on MXTR-FM we are feasting our ears on the Wonders of the Halshack! Makes you wonder why these songs or bands havnt been discovered yet! All these wonderful hits could storm the world with more than just one hit wonders! Ever wonder what the Wonder Shack series is all about, then ponder your thoughts no more and tune in!
Wonder Shack series covers what could be semi hits to mega hits! Today is episode 12 in the series. Wonder Shack 1-3 can be found on the podcast feed. Episodes 4-11 are Zeno FM radio exclusives that air on Wednesday's for our theme day Wonder Shack Wednesday! These shows also play randomly throughout the week.
Find everything about the show at
Thank you for all our wonderful fans! It's a wonder why the Halshack is not a household name. One day we won't have to wonder anymore! Thanks for all the love!