For at least 80 years or so, governments around the world have covered up information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Furthermore, some people are very concerned about whether or not UFOs pose a threat to spiritual security, namely, things that are related to God and what the discovery means for most major religions. From a theological perspective, this raises an extraordinary possibility: God’s creative hand is not limited to Earth. If intelligence is a built-in feature of planetary evolution, then other inhabited worlds may exist, each reaching its own moment of spiritual revelation. The idea that God would create only one world with sentient beings seems increasingly unlikely—especially if evolution is part of His divine process. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time on, Clyde Lewis talks with radio host of Into the Parabnormal, Jeremy Scott, and paranormal investigator, Katie Paige about EVANGELION - ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. #UFO #ClydeLewis #GroundZero #ET #Religion