Global Alert News 6.6.24
05 June 2024

Global Alert News 6.6.24

Global Alert News

Fierce hail that caused major damage described as hell on Earth", from Fox News. "Massive hail storms keep hitting the U.S.", from The Washington Post. "Texas town deploys snow plows after 50-degree temperature swing and 2 feet of hail". "Residents of a southwest Texas town reported a dramatic temperature drop on Wednesday and hail so deep they had to deploy snow plows to clear the streets". "The temperature in Marathon, Texas, fell more than 50 degrees on Wednesday afternoon as thermometers tumbled from around 105 degrees to the mid-50s in about an hour". All from ABC News. From The Weather Channel: "DVD-Size Hailstones Fall in Texas". Record heat and record ice falling from the skies. Do these weather scenarios make sense meteorologically speaking? Welcome to patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding. What else will the coming weeks and months bring? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.