The Founder Program by Fady Ismaeel SE 3 Ep 1 (featuring Hanan ElBasha) Part 3

The Founder Program by Fady Ismaeel SE 3 Ep 1 (featuring Hanan ElBasha) Part 3

Dr. Fady Ismaeel

About this episode

#fadyismeeel #thefounder #startups

نصايح لرواد الاعمال والمستثمرين الجدد 

In the last part  , We were speaking about pearls of wisdom and advises for entrepreneurs and first time investors 

In the first episode of the Founder Program Season 3, I'm hosting Dr. Hanan ElBasha, Where we were speaking about the women entrepreneurship and pearls of wisdom of Dr. Hanan ElBasha. 

Stay tuned for the next of episode !!!! 

You can watch it here or listen to it via the podcasts in the below links