Jason Verney's "F. L. I. C. K. S. (Film, Life, Interview, Camera, Korea & Sounds)" PODCAST

Jason Verney's "F. L. I. C. K. S. (Film, Life, Interview, Camera, Korea & Sounds)" PODCAST

Jason Verney

About this podcast

"F. L. I. C. K. S." is a podcast by filmmaker and journalist Jason Verney, in collaboration with his production company, NativeNomadPictures.com (NNP) and his movies & music website, MiniMiniMovie.com (MMM), and stands for:



An Odd Plod, Nod & Pod to "NO-MADe-land"...

This podcast can be seen as an apology perhaps, to those who may be awaiting the yet to be completed South Korean documentary by Mr Verney.

Jason talks about various aspects of Korea, the Korean culture, movies (both Korean and international), music, life, travelling & more.

Like the #KDOC14 documentary project itself, this too is a work in progress. Over time it will evolve... be this in format or from an audio to a visual podcast.


"F. L. I. C. K. S." is the new name for what was known as "Jason Verney's PLODCAST".

Previous potential comic titles for this podcast were Prodcast*, Probcast** and Oddcast*** but the original name of "Plodcast" was used.

* To represent 'still in Production'
** For either 'Problematic' or 'Probably'
*** Simply because it's all kind of 'Odd'

PLODCAST, although probably in existent by other broadcasters, was thought most apt... Not so much due to the fact that the podcast itself is slow, plodding or boring (well, you can be the judge of that!) but indicating that the Korean documentary, and other filmic projects are slowly, but surely on their way!

"F. L. I. C. K. S." was more recently thought of a more memorable and relevant name & not only indicates that it's related to movies but also spells out what else it covers: Films; Life; Interviews; Camera; Korea; Sounds.

Jason Verney is an independent filmmaker and journalist, whose websites (and company/ies) include Native Nomad Pictures Limited and MiniMiniMovie.com & is also proud co-founder of the London Asian Film Society.

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96 episodes