Water Book Club - The Dynamics of Water Innovation - Paul O'Callaghan (Review & Critique)
06 November 2024

Water Book Club - The Dynamics of Water Innovation - Paul O'Callaghan (Review & Critique)

(don't) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World

You need to know the rules to beat the rules ⬇️

Water innovation takes decades to be adopted: 35 Years for the average water tech!

For their book "The Dynamics of Water Innovation," Paul O'Callaghan and his team reviewed 488 water technologies to identify patterns, timelines (and ways to accelerate them), and some of the specificities of water entrepreneurship.

In this review, I share with you the key learnings, but also my feelings about the book. Spoiler: you should read it!

➡️ Get the book: https://www.braveblue.world/book

📚 Download the supporting research (free): https://edepot.wur.nl/536755


My interview with Andrew Benedek (Zenon): https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s5e12-how-to-be-alone-early-crazy-but-actually-right-the-history-of-zenon

My conversation with Graeme Pearce (Membranes): https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s2e9-everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-mbrs-without-daring-to-ask

Fluence's take at MABRs: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s2e7-this-astonishing-technology-will-turn-the-wastewater-sector-on-its-head-here-s-why

My conversation with Reinhard Hübner (SKion): https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s5e1-the-7-secrets-of-the-water-company-of-the-year-you-shall-absolutely-steal

My interview with Tom Ferguson (Burnt Island Ventures): https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s10e16-the-secret-formula-for-profit-in-water-tech-ventures-tom-ferguson-s-unfair-advantage


Website: https://dww.show/podcast/

Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/


00:00 Technology Adoption in various sectors

02:14 Anatomy of a Winner

05:08 The WaTA Model

08:30 3 Levers to Market Faster

14:23 Why bother?

15:55 Conclusion

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