73. Raising multilingual kids - Tetsu Yung (@AskTetsu)
26 May 2024

73. Raising multilingual kids - Tetsu Yung (@AskTetsu)


Are you interested in learning techniques for raising multilingual kids? Do you want to create an environment where your children can learn multiple languages while they are young?

In this episode, we talk to Tetsu Yung ( @AskTetsu ), a renowned speaker at conferences such as the Polyglot Conference. He shares his experience in raising his kids in a multilingual environment that provides them with the ability to speak many languages fluently.

Tetsu also offers tips on the first words of a polyglot child and how you can learn a new language.

Stay tuned for this episode about raising multilingual children!

#raisingmultilingualkids #polyglot #polyglotkids