Chapter 115: The Longest Day, Part 2

Chapter 115: The Longest Day, Part 2

Common Geeking Program

About this episode

The End of All Things, Part XV [Dicey Waters]

The Magelord plot finally revealed, the Friendship crew must face treachery within and devastation without.

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DM — Colin Ketchen,

Locke — Patrick Brehm, @PattyIceOfficial @Pureriffery

Maeve — Matt Canavan, @CatManavan

Kalt — Ryan Mossbarger, @ryan_mossb

Taeemul "Chowder" Chowdhury, @taeemulchowdhur

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Created by Colin Ketchen, Josh Palumbo and Ryan Mossbarger

Editing by Matt Canavan and Colin Ketchen

Original Music and Sound Design by Colin Ketchen