#DefendDemocracy Podcast Series

#DefendDemocracy Podcast Series

Alliance of Democracies Foundation

About this podcast

Autocrats thrive when the free world is divided. We’ve seen what happens when the United States retreats from the world, and the world’s democracies start to put narrow interests ahead of values. Democracy around the world begins to decay.
Our podcast series aims to provide front-line figures in the battle for freedom and democracy a global platform. 

The Alliance of Democracies Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2017 by Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former NATO Secretary General and former Prime Minister of Denmark. The vision of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation is to become the world’s leading “megaphone” for the cause of democracy. We do this through three programs: The Copenhagen Democracy Summit, The Expeditionary Economics Program and The Campaign for Democracy.



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13 episodes