The Battle of the Books: Political Thrillers and the Future of America
06 November 2024

The Battle of the Books: Political Thrillers and the Future of America

Coup Save America

Today on Coup Save America, producer Mckenzie guest hosts a special pre-election episode: The Battle of the Books!!!

Coup Save America invites two authors – Dan McCrory and William R. Douglas to talk about their polar-opposite political polarization novels. What could happen if a Republican president refused to concede the Whitehouse? What if left-wing extremists took hold of power and ran with it? Could our country survive the tyranny if either political party were to go hurtling off the rails? Our guest authors have explored the possibilities in their respective novels, and now, on the eve of a pivotal presidential election, they are both coming to Coup Save America for a three-way discussion with Sean about the potential problems posed in their books. With a cast of over-the-top characters placed into hair-raising situations, are these novels satire or a looming reality? You be the judge…

After each author talks about his book with Mckenzie, all three guests come together to show how people with starkly different viewpoints can engage in a productive conversation about our country by listening and learning from each other.

From Dan McCrory, author of Worst Case Scenario: Election Night:

“In this satirical thriller that strikes uncomfortably close to real life events, President Adolf Wallace declares martial law and accuses the Democrats of rigging the election. Native Americans decide to band together and take back their country. Ensuing incidents call for an assessment of loyalties that could mean life or death. An EMP detonated by North Korea only makes matters worse. At times funny and sometimes deadly serious, Worst Case Scenario shows what could happen in this nightmarish state of affairs.”

From William R. Douglas, author of The Sum of All Our Anger: Civil War 2.0:

“What if our present-day polarizations and anger go unchecked? What if they continue to simmer and intensify with no relief?

Award-winning author William R. Douglas’ takes the reader into the realm of the unthinkable with his gripping and sweeping new novel, The SUM of ALL OUR ANGER.

In 2061, new President Devin Cyrus is determined to sweep away the Old Way in America to pave the way for a Socialist utopia under his New Way policy. First, he must deal with renegade states by whatever means necessary.

Oklahoma Governor Mary Whitfield, a patriotic supporter of the Old Way, rallies like-minded Governors and citizens to keep a remnant of the Old Union intact by opposing the New Way at all costs.

Military, National Guard, Militia, and Civilian leaders must choose sides as events escalate.

Our Union and way of life hang in the balance as the two opposing world views collide head-on in a final showdown. Which one will triumph?”

To learn more about these authors and their political novels, visit: