America’s Ethical Archetype with Damien Dubose
27 November 2024

America’s Ethical Archetype with Damien Dubose

Coup Save America

If kindness doesn’t benefit us personally, should there be an obligation to pursue kindness without reward?

Sean’s Monologue: The Myth of Rugged Individualism

Our guest this episode is Damien Dubose, author of the book America's Ethical Archetype: Establishing the Psychology of Moral Authority and Correcting our Country’s Politics. We go into the show acknowledging that Damien’s subject matter goes against Coup Save America’s core beliefs, but we hope that he and Sean will find some common ground. We start by listening to Damien tell us what inspired him to write his book and to Sean marveling that it took only two years to write a book he describes as “in depth and intellectual.” 

Damien defines moral authority and explains why it’s so critical in modern politics. He talks about using the philosophies of Ayn Rand and Carl Jung as tools to interpret different people’s approaches to reason. Sean wonders if individualism and collectivism are incompatible, so Damien explains the individualistic approach described in his book. 

Sean and Damien discuss “group think” and “cancel culture”, then they find out that they agree about some of the flaws in our education system. Damien worries that America is not developing individuals. He feels that people will solve the world’s problems by pursuing their own values. He and Sean talk about exploitation of others and factors that contribute to a person having the ability to make decisions that are in their best interest. 

While admitting that it is not his area of expertise, Damien tells us that he is opposed to social safety net programs and he feels they should be phased out. Listen to learn why he doesn’t apply the same principles to collective social systems such as military and emergency services. The discussion turns to problems that are collective in nature and how why Damien is not in favor of using collective means to solve them. It all comes down to a question of conscious consent. Damien’s main fight is for an individualist approach in politics, so he talks about our need for better leaders. 

Sean and Damien discuss how too much technology and media might lead to a collective way of thinking, then Damien explains his philosophy that people create their own circumstance by going about their lives more intentionally. He talks about why it is important to defend individualism through philosophy rather than through tradition or religion and about how individualism is imbedded into America’s founding. Damien gives us a teaser for his book - creating a better nation would start with the legislative branch of government. 

Damien makes his case for why there should not be a negative connotation to selfishness, then Sean points out a portion of America's Ethical Archetype that he found particularly compelling. What role does emotional intelligence play in making moral decisions? Why is some outside force controlling Damien’s 401K? What does it mean that “nothingness is the villain of the story”?

The episode ends as Damien talks about the intended audience of his book, and Sean challenges listeners to read the book even if they are NOT the intended audience.

You can find America's Ethical Archetype: Establishing the Psychology of Moral Authority and Correcting our Country’s Politics on Amazon or by visiting Damien Dubose on social media: