Understanding how God leads 1 - Pst Tola Oluseye-Johnson02 August 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:44:08
Engaging the manifestation of the Holy Spirit for Supernatural Breakthroughs 4 - Pst Tola Oluseye-J25 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:34:03
Commanding Signs and Wonders from the platform of a Revival 3b – Pst Kayode Fasua06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:38:42
Signs and Wonders are the Heritage of those committed to Kingdom Advancement Endeavours A - Pst Wale06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:34:50
Understanding Revival as a Season of Signs and Wonders - Pst Paul Onoja06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:24:35
Commanding Signs and Wonders from the platform of a Revival 1b – Pst Fred Onoje-Broma06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:37:29
Commanding Signs and Wonders from the platform of a Revival 3a – Pst Fred Onoje-Broma06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:37:19
Engaging the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit for Supernatural Breakthrough 1A - Pst Fred O. Broma06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:41:06
Signs and Wonders are the Heritage of those committed to Kingdom Advancement Endeavours B - Pst Ojo06 July 2021For more information visit: https://champions-circle.blogspot.com/00:39:40
Commanding Signs and Wonders from the platform of a Revival 1a – Pst. Wale Fafure06 June 2021Sunday Teaching SeriesCommanding Signs and Wonders from the platform of a Revival 1a – Pst. Wale Fafure.* The midst of the year is ordained a season of revival. Hab 3:2, 17-19.* We must be spiritually awake if we want to make the most of this revival season. Gen 28:16 Pro 10:5, Eph 5:14.* Revival ti...00:40:59