The Schmoopy Poopy Booby Dooby Love Song Episode!
20 May 2022

The Schmoopy Poopy Booby Dooby Love Song Episode!

Pop Music For Smart People


Love is in the air this week at Pop Music For Smart People!. This week I am featuring 12 love songs! Last week we covered sex and now it is on to love songs. I also ordered the tracks to show the different stages of love. We start off with sweet and cuddly phase when you are falling for someone and the artists with songs in this area are HEIGHTS, Thilo, Liv Lovelle, Ash Leone and OddKidOut. Next we move into the have fallen in love and are getting to really know each other phase and the artists with songs in this area are Herizen and Alt Bloom. Next is the very intensely in love phase where things have gotten very serious and the artists with songs in this area are Fleur East, Nao, Alice Chater, Nonsens and Karra. Lastly we have the phase where the relationship has ended but the love is not gone and people are trying to get it back and the artists with songs in this area are Willow Beats and Tove Lo. So come fall in love with these artists and tracks!!

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