Body Image and PositivaTea with Hannah Kahana
06 February 2023

Body Image and PositivaTea with Hannah Kahana


R&D Spilling the Tea with Hannah, who we had on in season 2 as a dating coach, Hannah is also a life coach and in this episode, we will be discussing beauty and self-confidence and getting her insights through that perspective.

    What is beauty? Is there an actual definition? #MAHRABU
    “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
    Chein is a thing
    Attracting vs. Attractive 
    Miriam Pascal's "WE HAVE A WEIGHT PROBLEM" Mishpacha feature on self-image
    The #halo effect, #disney princess dysmorphia... and of course #tealights

#spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #dating #datingcoach #shidduchdating #realtalk #bodyimage #selfconfidence Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2023 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration