Janine Valentine is an award-winning author, poet, and entrepreneur, currently living in Colorado. She loves to travel, carrying with her a sense of humor and curiosity. Experiencing her surroundings with a soul-level sensory awareness, Janine expresses these perspectives and insights through her deeply relatable writing. She believes that by vulnerably sharing our personal journeys we light a path inviting others to also engage with their fears, release constraints, and find genuine community.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/057836705X
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janine.valentine.author/
Website: https://www.janinevalentine.com/
Judy is the CEO & Founder of the Judy Carlson Financial Group. She helps her clients design, build, and implement fully integrated and coordinated financial plans from today through life expectancy and legacy.
She is an Independent Fiduciary and Comprehensive Financial Planner who specializes in Wealth Decumulation Strategies. Judy is a CPA, Investment Advisor Representative, Life and Health Insurance Licensed, and Long-Term Care Certified.
Judy’s mission is to educate and empower her clients with an all-inclusive financial plan that encourages and motivates them to pursue their lifetime financial goals and dreams.
Learn More: https://judycarlson.com/
Investment Adviser Representative of and advisory services offered through Royal Fund Management, LLC, an SEC Registered Adviser.
The Inspired Impact Podcast
Source: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/the-inspired-impact-podcast-with-judy-carlson-interview-with-janine-valentine-author-both-things-are-true