BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast
BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast

BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast

Want financial freedom through real estate investing? Then the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast is for you. Sit down every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with Dave Meyer, the Head of Real Estate at BiggerPockets, as he uncovers tried and true tactics and shares candid conversations with real estate investors who are building wealth in today’s market. Join Dave to walk through deals that went right (and wrong) and learn the strategies you can deploy—start growing your side income today to take control of your financial future. 
Making 6 Figures Investing After Quitting His $40K/Year Job for Real Estate
21 October 2024
Making 6 Figures Investing After Quitting His $40K/Year Job for Real Estate
What if you could not only replace but make MUCH more than your W2 salary with real estate investing? Now, imagine you could do it all in just two years. Sounds impossible, right? Today’s guest did precisely that, with more barriers than most. Jon Boyd left his W2 job to pursue real estate investing full-time, all while having to provide for his family of six! Now, he’s making much more than his job ever paid him and is building serious wealth in the process. How’s he doing it? It’s simple: direct-to-seller strategies anyone can try. 
Unlike many real estate investors, Jon skipped heavily investing during the 2010s, so his wealth is NOT due to the rapid appreciation of 2020 - 2023. As his W2 whittled him down day by day, Jon knew he needed an exit option. So, he tried one simple direct-to-seller marketing strategy, found a great deal, made a serious profit, and decided, “Let’s go ALL-IN!” 
Now, just a few years later, he’s a full-time real estate investor, doing over a dozen house flips in a year, with a portfolio of five rental properties, and making MUCH more than his job was paying. The best part? He does almost all of it himself, and if you’re willing to push past your comfort zone, you can, too!

In This Episode We Cover:
The one direct-to-seller marketing strategy Jon uses to find off-market, undervalued deals
How to plan your financial safety nets when quitting your job for real estate 
How to talk to a potential seller so they feel comfortable giving you the deal 
The one thing you should do before you quit your job (or you’ll regret it!)
How Jon does over a dozen house flips a year with ZERO employees 
An unbelievably creative seller finance deal that most investors would never think of 
And So Much More!

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(00:00) Intro
(01:09) Given Golden Advice Early
(03:43) Quitting His W2 Job
(08:54) Taking a Big Risk
(12:21) Looking for Off-Market Deals
(16:10) Profit on Direct Mail
(19:09) How to Talk to Sellers
(22:56) Jon's Current Portfolio & Business
(24:24) Doing 12-14 Flips by HIMSELF!
(28:28) Most Creative Real Estate Deal Ever?
(31:49) Can Anyone Do This?

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BiggerNews: The “Clues” That Point to a Phenomenal Investing Neighborhood
18 October 2024
BiggerNews: The “Clues” That Point to a Phenomenal Investing Neighborhood
Are there “clues” that point to phenomenal real estate investing areas? We mean the areas nobody knew about until it was too late. The neighborhoods that seem to jump in price overnight, and everyone ends up saying, “I should have bought there when I had the chance!” What if there was a way to easily identify WHICH areas are in the “path of progress” and could make you serious wealth IF you buy today? We brought in an expert with two decades of experience picking these markets.
James Dainard is a rental property investor, house flipper, private money lender, and every other role you can think of in real estate. He’s been investing primarily in one market for his entire career: Seattle, Washington. But, even though he’s sticking to this specific market, he’s diversified by having investments all around the entire metro area, even in places most people wouldn’t DARE to buy in.
Today, he’s sharing his secrets, showcasing precisely what he looks at to identify these hidden but growing real estate areas WITHIN a market. We’ll discuss whether you should focus on the deal or the neighborhood first, “clues” that point to a solid investing area, why zoning will become your wealth-building best friend, and how to identify markets with solid cash flow or appreciation. 

In This Episode We Cover:
The “clues” that point to a rising real estate area most people DON’T know about yet
Whether to choose a neighborhood FIRST or evaluate a deal based on its neighborhood 
The magic of “upzoning” and how James uses this to boost his portfolio’s worth 
The “path of progress” that will have your home value rising FAR faster than others 
What to be cautious of when investing in a new area (these could ruin your real estate deal)
Data sources you can use right now to pinpoint exactly where to buy
And So Much More!

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Grab James’ New Book, “The House Flipping Framework”
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Is That Neighborhood Up-and-Coming? Here’s How to Tell
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Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(02:35) Neighborhood or Deal First?
(06:51) “Clues” of a Great Neighborhood
(13:14) This is CRUCIAL
(19:57) The Path of Progress
(25:41) Stay Away from This
(31:44) Do This FIRST

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2 Resources OTHER Than Money You Can Use to Get into Real Estate Investing
16 October 2024
2 Resources OTHER Than Money You Can Use to Get into Real Estate Investing
Want to invest in real estate but feel like you don’t have everything it takes? You know you need money for a down payment, skills to manage tenants/perform renovations, and time to find the deals in the first place. But what if you only have one of these? Can you still invest in real estate even without the missing pieces? Today, we’re going to show you how to do just that, no matter how much time, money, or real estate experience you’ve got. 
We’re walking through three scenarios with three different investors: Dave Meyer (who had no money/experience), Devon Kennard (who had money but no time/experience), and Tyler Madden (who had skills but limited time/money). Each of these investors was able to build a successful real estate portfolio, all while either being time-stretched, money-stretched, or not knowing how to swing a hammer. They’re sharing the secrets to hiring out/building the other skills so you CAN take down real estate deals, no matter what you’re working with.
If you can combine all the pieces of this “resource triangle,” you have FAR higher chances of succeeding in real estate investing and reaching financial freedom. If you’re a rookie with no real estate to your name, worry not—we’re teaching you what you need to know in today’s episode. 

In This Episode We Cover:
The “resource triangle” investing theory and the three things you need to succeed (YOU don’t need all three!) 
The most overrated skills in real estate that you can survive without 
Building a team and hiring out/outsourcing the resources that you lack 
How to start investing if you ONLY have time, money, OR real estate experience 
Crucial skills that we WISH we had (you can make a LOT more money with these) 
And So Much More!

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Invest in Turnkey Rentals with Rent to Retirement or text “REI” to 33777
Grab the BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) Book
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Mastering These 2 Skills Is Critical to Success in Real Estate Investing
Connect with Devon
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Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(04:54) Got Skills, But No Time/Money?
(11:51) Got Money, But No Time/Skills?
(18:24) Got Time, But No Money/Skills?
(20:23) Getting Your First Deal Done
(39:51) Building Valuable Skills
(37:18) Most Crucial (and Overrated) Skills

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The Right Way to Do “Value-Add” Real Estate in 2024
14 October 2024
The Right Way to Do “Value-Add” Real Estate in 2024
What’s the best way to build wealth in 2024? For many, it’s “value-add” real estate investing. You might know what this is, but you may have never heard the term before. Value-add investing is when you buy investment properties, improve them, increase the cash flow, equity, or both, and reap the rewards by holding onto them as rentals or flipping them for quick cash. Today’s investor, Tom Shallcross, is doing just this, but he’s making BIG returns (six figures on flips!) and funneling those profits into his sizable rental portfolio. And he’s doing it all in 2024.
We know that everyone has told you how impossible it is to invest in real estate in 2024, but Tom instantly proves the naysayers wrong. Not only is he flipping houses, but he’s also buying rentals, BRRRRing (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat), and doing it all in a competitive market—Chicago! So what’s he doing differently?
Tom gets the deals before the rest of the investors in his area can, takes on BIG house flips that most investors are too scared to, and constantly reinvests the profits into more real estate. He’s been doing it since 2016 and is STILL finding success in today’s market. How’s he getting the best deals sent to him? How’s he making such large profit margins? We’re uncovering his exact strategy and method in today’s episode. 

In This Episode We Cover:
“Value-add” real estate investing explained and why it still works in 2024
Knowing your neighborhood “class” and why Tom switched from C to A
How Tom is making six-figure profits on house flips even in today’s market 
Real estate partnerships and the skillsets you need to build a profitable flipping/rental/rehab business 
How to get real estate agents to send you properties BEFORE they hit the market 
Using short-term projects (flips!) to fund your rental property portfolio 
And So Much More!

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The “Value-Add” Playbook: How to Boost Equity and Bring in MORE Cash Flow
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(00:00) Intro
(02:11) "Accidentally" Investing
(06:46) Getting Started in Cheap Neighborhoods
(09:47) Switching to A-Class Investments
(11:59) Finding Deals Before The Rest
(18:02) Current Flip Profits + Costs
(26:30) Boosting Your Rental's Income
(32:24) What's Next?

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BiggerNews: “Boomtowns” Are Declining…It’s Time to Take Advantage
11 October 2024
BiggerNews: “Boomtowns” Are Declining…It’s Time to Take Advantage
Real estate “boomtowns” present a massive opportunity to investors in 2024. A few years ago, buyers were fighting tooth and nail to purchase properties in Austin, Boise, Phoenix, and other red-hot markets. Demand was growing in these cities, and prices were shooting up with no end in sight. But then…it stopped. Prices started declining, vacancy rose, and investors were stuck holding onto properties now worth less than what they paid. The interesting part? These market declines might be only temporary, and those who don’t buy now could be kicking themselves a few years down the road.
To give us insight into which boomtowns are worth buying in and which are worth ignoring is Matt Faircloth, multifamily real estate investor. He saw many investors rush to these real estate boomtowns during the peak and are now struggling to fill their rental units as the boom became a bust. He’s identified a sneaky strategy that allows you to buy properties at a discount in these markets to make money while the FOMO investors search for an exit option.
We’ll talk about the cities with the most hype, the ones worth investing in, the future boomtowns that most are ignoring, and the massive opportunity of “economic spillover” that could lead you to markets with the best future potential.

In This Episode We Cover:
The future “boomtowns” that most investors have no clue about (get in early)
How boomtowns form and what to look at to tell if one is worth investing in 
When is it too late to invest in a growing city (metrics to check before buying)
The secondary markets with “economic spillover” boasting huge opportunity
The sneaky move Matt is using to buy boomtown properties at a discount 
What to do if you bought in a boomtown that is already declining 
And So Much More!

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Corporate HQ Relocations Could Signal the Next Real Estate Boomtowns
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(00:00) Intro
(02:39) Real Estate "Boomtowns"
(06:07) How "Boomtowns" Form
(09:44) Cities with the Most Hype
(12:11) Hyped vs. Solid Housing Markets
(16:33) When Is It Too Late to Get In?
(20:41) HUGE Opportunity for Investors
(29:26) What “Boomtown” Investors Should Do
(35:15) Upcoming Boomtowns

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How to Invest in Real Estate with $50K in 2024
09 October 2024
How to Invest in Real Estate with $50K in 2024
Want to know how to invest $50K in real estate? We’re going to show you exactly how to do it, EVEN in 2024. You can use any of the four strategies we share to start investing in real estate with $50K or less, and you don’t need previous real estate investing experience to try them out. Some of these strategies are best for those who already own a home or are willing to invest out-of-state. But even if you want to stay in your area while investing in real estate, we have an option for you!
Okay, so you’ve got $50K (or less) that you’ve saved up for your first real estate deal. Do you immediately start investing? NO. There are a few quick things that you need to do first (don’t worry, they’re free) before you can make your first real estate investment. Following these steps will help you make MUCH better choices on your next investment property and will let you sleep at night if/when things go wrong.
After that, you can choose any of the four beginner strategies to start investing in real estate (we’re not just talking house hacking!). We even share an expert tip about some of the best markets to get into as a beginner with solid demand and lower home prices, allowing you to invest if you’re getting priced out (or have too much competition) in the bigger cities!

In This Episode We Cover:
How (and where) to invest $50K in the 2024 housing market 
What you MUST do before you make your first real estate investment 
A tax-free way for homeowners to build wealth with properties they already own
The solid rental markets that have cheap home prices
Why you DON’T have to do it alone, and how to increase your investing budget 
The one tried-and-true best beginner investment almost every expert agrees on 
And So Much More!

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Real Estate Rookie Podcast
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Get Free Property Management Software for Landlords with Hemlane
Grab Ashley’s Book, “Real Estate Partnerships”
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See Ashley and Dave at BPCON2024 in Cancun!
Why Your Small Town Is (Probably) the Best Place to Buy Rentals
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Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(02:50) Can You Start with $50K?
(07:44) What to Do BEFORE You Invest
(13:02) 1. Add Value to Your Home
(19:10) 2. Buy a $160K Rental Property
(25:05) 3. Get a Money Partner
(32:21) 4. House Hacking
(34:47) DON'T Overlook These Markets

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30 Units in 7 Years by BRRRRing, Building, Flipping, and Going All-In
07 October 2024
30 Units in 7 Years by BRRRRing, Building, Flipping, and Going All-In
After a strong case of “mommy guilt” working as an assistant principal, pregnant with her second child, Deba Douglas knew she needed a way out of the rat race. A run-in with Rich Dad Poor Dad prompted her to begin saving so she could start buying rental properties. She called her lender, found a property, and spent her and her husband's entire savings on the down payment. Little did she know that this one decision would set her life’s course in an entirely different direction.
Now, just seven years after first looking into real estate investing, Deba has thirty rental properties and doesn’t work at her W2 anymore! How did she do it so fast, especially with kids to care for, bills to pay, and no prior experience in real estate investing? One BAD piece of beginner advice could have thrown her entire investing career off track, but she quickly learned from her mistake and leveled up at light speed!
Deba is sharing how she went from real estate investing zero to hero, doing everything from BRRRR (buy, rehab, rent, refinance, repeat) investing, building new construction rental properties, flipping houses, and becoming an agent herself to help other investors. Want to escape the nine-to-five grind and get on the fast track to financial freedom? Do it all like Deba!

In This Episode We Cover:
The one critical mistake Deba made on her second deal that could have cost her severely
The truth about becoming a real estate agent (and why it isn’t as easy as you think)
Regular realtors vs. investor-friendly realtors (you CANNOT mix them up!)
When it’s time to quit your job and become a full-time real estate investor
Why Deba is still buying in a market that is seeing price declines in 2024
The massive benefits of new construction rental properties (and why they make sense in 2024)
And So Much More!

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Connect with Deba
Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(02:00) Chasing Financial Freedom
(05:16) First Property, Then BIG Mistake
(14:16) Did It Work Out?
(15:59) Quitting Her Job
(20:53) Investing and Selling Homes
(23:06) Deba's Portfolio
(24:18) Building New and BRRRRing
(26:50) Investing in a Declining Market
(33:38) Goals and Best Beginner Investment

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BiggerNews: Will Lower Rates Remove America’s “Golden Handcuffs”? w/NYT’s Rukmini Callimachi
04 October 2024
BiggerNews: Will Lower Rates Remove America’s “Golden Handcuffs”? w/NYT’s Rukmini Callimachi
For years, we’ve been told that lower mortgage rates could reignite homebuyer demand and help improve affordability so first-time homebuyers (or even rookie landlords) can finally buy their first property. But, with mortgage interest rates lowering right before our eyes, we’re noticing something peculiar—affordability isn’t improving. Home prices are staying stagnant, if not rising. Thanks to America’s “golden handcuffs,” we’re still in a housing market standoff, but there might be some solutions to fix it.
We’re bringing on The New York Times’ Rukmini Callimachi, a real estate correspondent, to shed light on the vast affordability crisis affecting America. With homes “unmanageably expensive,” regardless of whether you’re renting or buying, we need solutions that don’t just spark up demand (like lowering mortgage rates). There’s one glaring problem plaguing the property market, but why won’t anybody fix it?
Today, we're cracking this discussion wide open, speaking on the solutions that could ACTUALLY increase affordability in the future, the rising homelessness problem affecting working Americans and students, and how NIMBYism (not in my backyard) could be forcefully put to stop as communities struggle to build enough housing. If you want to get in (or get back in) the real estate game, whether as an investor, house hacker, or first-time homebuyer, these solutions could directly affect you!

In This Episode We Cover:
Housing inventory update and the “golden handcuffs” keeping housing constrained 
Why homebuyers are stuck and the magic interest rate that could unlock demand 
The root of our housing problems and what we must do NOW to fix it 
Growing homelessness (even among working adults) and why housing costs have gotten too high 
Modular home building and how this new type of construction could change the housing market forever 
And So Much More!

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On the Market
Grab Dave’s Book, “Real Estate by the Numbers”
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Cheaper, Faster, and Better for Investors: Modular Homes Make a Comeback
Read More from Rukmini
Interest Rates Have Dropped, but Homeowners Are Not Moving
Connect with Dave

00:00 Intro
02:35 America’s “Golden Handcuffs”
06:52 Homebuyers Are Stuck
11:30 Affordability Solutions
23:55 Growing Homelessness
26:14 Construction MUST Change
29:56 Let’s Get DENSE

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Active vs. Passive Investing: Make Higher Returns With Less Headache?
02 October 2024
Active vs. Passive Investing: Make Higher Returns With Less Headache?
Can you make the same returns as active real estate (if not more) with “passive” real estate investing? What if you’ve got a busy day job, hobbies you want to pursue, or don’t have the landlording drive to build a rental property portfolio? Well, passive income investing might be just what you need. How do you know you’re the right fit for it, and what kind of real estate investments are the most passive? We’re giving you what you need to get started.
We’ve got two active and passive real estate investors, Devon Kennard (former NFL player!) and Kathy Fettke, on the show to break down the differences between active and passive real estate investing. We’ll discuss who should invest in each type and whether it’s worth it to stay at your job and invest passively on the side. Plus, we’re all sharing our favorite active and passive investments that we’re putting our money into today.
But how much of a return can you make when you’re investing passively, doing less of the work? We’re giving you real return numbers from some of our passive income sources so you can know what to expect when putting your money to work.

In This Episode We Cover:
Active vs. passive real estate investing and which one YOU should choose
How much you can make with passive investing and the returns we’re getting 
Why you may NOT want to quit your job to go into real estate (you can STILL invest)
Real estate note investing and why Devon is going all-in on this active/passive investment 
Why new real estate investors should NOT be passively investing…yet 
And So Much More!

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On the Market Podcast 
PassivePockets Podcast
Scaling Smart
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Try Baselane, the One Platform for All Your Property Banking & Finances
Pre-Order Devon’s New Book, "Real Estate Side Hustle"
Property Manager Finder
See Dave, Devon, and Kathy at BPCON2024 in Cancun!
What Is Passive Real Estate Investing And Is It Right For You?
Connect with Devon
Connect with Kathy
Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(03:18) Active vs. Passive Investing
(09:13) Who Should Passively Invest?
(14:45) Better Returns with Passive Investing?
(19:20) Who Should Actively Invest?
(25:42) Real Estate Note Investing
(28:59) Best Active and Passive Investments

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A Better Retirement After Buying Just ONE Rental (and Never FOMO-ing)
30 September 2024
A Better Retirement After Buying Just ONE Rental (and Never FOMO-ing)
Mike Baum owns just one rental property, but this one property alone has changed his life. It’s allowed him to become such an investing expert that he’s constantly being asked for his opinion on the BiggerPockets forums, and he provides some of the most well-thought-out investing advice on the internet. So why does he have just one rental property, and why doesn’t he grow using his expertise? The answer isn’t that obvious. 
You wouldn’t know it, but Mike is permanently disabled. After overworking so hard that he ended up losing his vision, he was placed on disability for the rest of his working career. This high achiever was forced to slow down and find something else that could replace his day job. Shortly after his diagnosis, he found BiggerPockets and turned a family vacation home into a short-term rental.
Now, he’s got systems and processes that help him self-manage with very few headaches, and he will probably keep this property as his one and only rental for life. Why didn’t he “FOMO” in when everyone was gobbling up real estate in 2020? Why didn’t he grow his portfolio to become the next tycoon? Mike has some clear answers for why he did what he did, and after listening to him, you might change what you want, too. 
In This Episode We Cover:
Why you DON’T need a large real estate portfolio to find financial success when investing
Why Mike tells beginner investors that they should NOT buy a short-term rental property
The systems and processes Mike made to automate his vacation rental self-management (so he works less!)
One thing you should do NOW before you start investing in real estate (it’s free!)
The real result of “FOMO” investing and how to stop shiny object syndrome from blowing you off course 
And So Much More!
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Grab the Book, “Short-Term Rental, Long-Term Wealth”
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See Dave at BPCON2024 in Cancun!
Investing in Short-Term Rental Properties: A Beginner’s Guide & How to Get Started
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Connect with Dave

(00:00) Intro
(02:34) Losing Sight After Overworking
(05:24) Empty Lake House?
(08:52) Managing a Vacation Rental
(12:20) Know This BEFORE You Buy
(17:17) Just ONE Property
(20:56) No-FOMO Investing
(26:21) A “Very Interesting” 2025

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