What Can a Photograph Tell Us? reading 'A Wall in Paris, Texas' - Wim Wenders

What Can a Photograph Tell Us? reading 'A Wall in Paris, Texas' - Wim Wenders

Harley Bainbridge

About this episode

HI everyone
I hope this episode finds you all well!
Apologies as usual for being delayed with my upload, I tried a few times to get this episode down for upload in a week but ended up ordering a new microphone after frustration with my old one.
This episode is about reading imagery but I introduce more detail on the academic tools used to gain some additional information from what we see.
If you would prefer to read the blog post you can here;
As has been quite normal recently I'll be looking at a specific image and that is 'A Wall in Paris, Texas' by Wim Wenders. If you want to view the image along with the podcast this is a link to the image;
In this episode I also mention work by Roland Barthes which you can find here;
and as also the background music is from a YouTube creator Et Vie Blanc, you can find their channel her;
I'm not affiliated so don't receive any kickback from these link, I just think it makes it easier for those looking to find some reference material.
If you enjoy this episode please feel free to check out my other episodes available in all the usual places,
I'd really appreciate your feedback so feel free to check me out and message me at the following places
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Best wishes to all my listeners I can't explain how nice it is to see people listening, thank you!