Channel Trailer - Before the Shutter w/Harley Bainbridge Photography

Channel Trailer - Before the Shutter w/Harley Bainbridge Photography

Harley Bainbridge

About this episode

Hello everyone!
I want to say thank you for all the new listeners, and apologise for the delay in bringing out a new episode.
This last month has been a busy one with the reopening of businesses meaning I’ve been busy in the studio, however that hasn’t stopped me working slowly away on Before the Shutter and happy to say the Podcast is now also available in video format on YouTube.
This episode is the audio from the channel intro so quite short and many of you will already know what this show is about.
I will be following up this episode shortly with a long form discussion on the influence of 19th century photographic practice on modern perceptions of art, I’ve written the script but need to record and seeing how long it took for me to do 3 minutes today an hour long may be a while ;p
As always you can find my work at the following places
with music by
Noir Et Blanc Vie -
Thanks again for your support and look forward to speaking again soon!