How to Own Your Voice Even When You Feel Like You Don't Have One

How to Own Your Voice Even When You Feel Like You Don't Have One

Christie Williams

About this episode

Christie Love is a Confidence & Communication Coach, Executive Communication & Connection Expert, Award-Winning Keynote Motivational Speaker, Podcast host and Author of the book, "From Stage Fright to Superstar". After 18 years with Toastmasters and with her own coaching programs, she has mentored thousands of others to increase their confidence in front of an audience. Christie guides her clients one by one to discover their natural talents and gifts and use them to reach their dreams of becoming better speakers.
Christie helps leaders who struggle with building genuine connections to foster stronger relationships to the point where clients don’t and won’t look anywhere else because they trust you are in their corner, will happily refer you, and know that you will provide top-notch value from beginning to end. She is also the creator of the Client Connection Code.

You can find Christie at

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